In case of detection of adnexal mass during a clinical examination or ultrasound results as well as for preventive examination
What is the index ROMA?
The index ROMA (Risk of Ovarian Malignancy Algorithm) is an indicator used to determine the high and low risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in women with adnexal masses and is calculated based on the level of CA125 and HE4 tumor markers, taking into account the woman’s menopausal status.
Who is prescribed the test?
The study is prescribed for women who have been diagnosed with pelvic masses during a clinical examination or by ultrasound or other diagnostic methods, as well as for the purpose of preventive examination for women, for example, with a cancer family history.
The ROMA result should not be considered as a basis for a diagnosis, it is only a method to preliminarily estimate the risk of ovarian cancer of epithelial origin.
ROMA should not be used without a clinical evaluation and additional laboratory tests and is not intended to determine the need for surgery.